Soft Skills (GBS)

We found 10 programs available for you

Mastering EQ and Assertive Communication

1 day(s) Online

Emotional Intelligence (EQ/EI) is the ability to recognize our behaviors, moods, and impulses, and manage them in a positive way so that we can communicate assertively, empathize with others, manag...

Professional Communication at Work

1 day(s) Online

Effective interpersonal relationships with colleagues, managers, customers and clients managed through positive communication have a prevailing impact on organizational success.  Good communic...

Redefine Leadership in Managing Changes and Handling VUCA

2 day(s) Online

The pandemic period we experienced for the last couple years, has brought in new norms, and various changes. VUCA is a word that is no longer alien to us. The volatile, uncertain, challenging, and...

Thinking Outside the Box & Problem Solving Skills

2 day(s) Online

Whoever said that he / she do not have a problem must be very ignorant about life. So we have a problem. Are we going to wallow in it and do nothing? Answer = No! When faced with a problem, we have...