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Students' Stories - Ong Shu Han (Diploma in Electronic Engineering)

09 Feb 2023 Yee Ling

What made you choose PSDC?
PSDC alumnus gave good feedback about the school. PSDC provides most of the electronic components for students during their lab experiments. Some lecturers have their own teaching skills which will help students to understand easily about the class lecture.

How has your experience at PSDC been so far?
It is a good experience. The lecturers in this school are always kind to help students with their difficulties faced no matter in academics or some advice.

How have lecturers or your classmates impacted your college experience?
Lecturers in PSDC are very friendly. Not only giving guidance to solve academic problems but also telling us about their working experience and advice when they are young.

How has the college helped you prepare for your future career?
PSDC acts as a stepping stone for me since I learned some physical skills which are very useful such as soldering.

How have you gotten involved in extracurricular activities or clubs at the college?
PSDC has an Engineering Club which is responsible to organise some workshops or sports activities to enhance the knowledge of students. For example, badminton tournaments and Arduino workshops.

What advice would you give to a prospective student considering attending this college?
PSDC can be a good option to take into consideration if students are interested in the engineering courses provided since the lecturers have a deep teaching experience and different kinds of component will be provided for students to learn.

Need further information about our Diploma in Electronic Engineering? Visit our site here or Whatsapp Us to talk our counselors.