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MySIP+ - National Structured Internship Program PLUS


  • Government funded program to accelerate talent funneling for employment that combine the elements of industrial training + competencies/certification/hands-on + absorption into first employment in line with MOHEKPT-PACE aspiration.
  • Strategic-partnership driven initiative in partnership with industries and identified ENABLERS to facilitate industries (active hiring) and critical economic sectoral needs e.g. Electrical & Electronics, Digital/IT/ Communications, Medical Devices/ Industries, Manufacturing, Global Business Services & Banking and Financial Services

MySIP+ 3 in 1 Components

Internship/ Apprenticeship
Certification/ Competencies Module
First Employment (Min. 1 Year)

Implementation Mechanics

  • MySIP+ as tools for employer to build talent pipeline via internship recruitment
  • Elements: internship placement, training needs to upskill and first job employment (absorption) after internship completion
  • Co-creation model and collaborative intervention program:
    • Employer: Allowance for internship - SIP claimable
    • Government: Training & Competencies voucher (RM3,000 max)
    • Enablers: Facilitators and training needs provider


  • Absorption to Job (Min. of 1 year job placement)
  • Right-skilling Training & Employability Module (tailor made to the SIP+ employer needs)
  • 90% absorption rate upon on-the-job training completion