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eTechné@PSDC: Quantum Revolution: From Fundamentals to Disruptive Technology

Online 12 October 2023 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm

About The Event

Quantum revolution is being driven by advancements in quantum physics and related technologies. It encompasses the exploration, understanding, and utilization of quantum phenomena to develop new technologies that have the potential to disrupt various fields.

At the fundamental level, the Quantum Revolution involves the study of quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of matter and energy at atomic scales. Quantum mechanics has led to the discovery of counterintuitive phenomena such as superposition and entanglement of delicate quantum states, which form the basis for quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum metrology.

Quantum computing is expected to solve complex problems that are beyond the capabilities of classical computers, leveraging on the power of superposition and entanglement to perform calculations much faster than traditional computers, which could revolutionize fields like cryptography, optimization, and material science. Quantum communications enable secure communication protocols that are theoretically immune to eavesdropping. This has profound implications for data security and encryption.

The disruptive potential of the Quantum Revolution is far-reaching. It could impact industries such as finance, drug discovery, logistics, artificial intelligence, and more. In addition to the above, practical challenges and exciting development of quantum S&T from research to technology worldwide and in Malaysia will be discussed.

Target Audience:
Researchers, engineers, technologists, technicians


Speaker's Profile:
Prof Dr Raymond Ooi has 25 years of research experience, produced more than 120 publications in WoS (mainly Q1 journals) on a range of topics in quantum optics, nonlinear optics, plasmonics and laser interactions. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM). In 2013, he won the Malaysian Toray Science Foundation (MTSF) Science & Technology Award. Raymond Ooi obtained his Dr.rer.nat (PhD) from Universitaet Konstanz, Germany, was a postdoc at Texas A&M University and a regular Visiting Scientist at Princeton University and Max-Planck Institut fuer Quantenoptik in 2003-2006. Then, he taught at KAIST and Korea University. After joining Universiti Malaya, he initiated "Quantum and Laser Science" research equipped with femtosecond laser optics facility.

Prof Raymond proposed the first superconducting-dielectric photonic crystals and a versatile technique of direct laser cooling scheme for molecular gas using a few lasers. His research on quantum nonlinear optics incorporates plasmonics and photonic structures using advanced quantum optics theory to study nonclassical properties of light. Many of his papers contain detailed calculations, presented elegantly and furnished with 3D plots that provide insightful visualizations.

Prof Raymond successfully secured significant amount of national research grants as Principal Investigator on quantum communication, has 2 patents and has been invited/plenary speaker at more than 25 international conferences. In 2018 he initiated and chaired the first international conference on Quantum and Nonlinear Optics(QNO2018) that was attended by pioneers in the field and secured three international funds to run the conference. He serves as a Judge for MIT Technology Review “Innovators Under 35 Asia Pacific”. Currently he is the Editorial Board member for the prestigious journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A as well as the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) Science Journal, and has written several articles in the media, connecting science to recent topics like green energy and climate change.

  • Date: 12 October 2023
  • Time: 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm
  • Mode: Online
  • Cost: Free
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